Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A little love people....

I know that some people are still checking in on our misadventures from time to time as our hit counter shows over 5, ooo hits. That is incredible. Remember, anyone who is still with us, that there are comment buttons at the bottom of every blog. Please leave a comment, as it is great hearing from you, even if it is just to say hi. This blog is one of the only connections we have with our world back home so anything is better than nothing.
Keep warm, keep safe and keep on truckin',

PS: It is actually a blue "Shout Out" button, just click on that and you can leave us a message.


Anonymous said...

I'm still here reading...I actually quite enjoy checking in to your site and hearing about your adventures. I'm thinking I might start one up for myself when Ken and I leave for our first posting.

I hope the foot is feeling better...

Anonymous said...

Hi, this is your Mother. I will always be reading your blog. "I am proud of my boy"
Although I am worried about that foot. Please take care of it.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

I think you're both great.I love reading about your ventures. Your brave to be in Vietnam. You're doing an excellent service through teaching English. Cheers! Michael from Australia