Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My Birthday in Taiwan

We started off at our apartment. It was Karen, Dave May, Aaron, Kelly and myself. I was given many wonderful gifts and we were enjoying a Taiwanese beer or two. We converged with our three Canadian neighbors from across the hall and they along with their friends brought our number up in to the double digits.
We moved on to a bar called the Rolling Stone, where there is all the free foosball and pool you can play. We continued our madness and mayhem there in to the wee hours of the morning. Somewhere along the line, I got an ice cream smeared in my face and a wonderful bouquet of flowers was given to me. I vaguely remember the ice cream, however, the giver of the flowers is a complete mystery. If anyone has any clues to the identity of the flower giver, you can leave an anonymous tip in the comments. There will be no reward at all, except for the feeling of doing a good deed.
To everyone that was there to help me celebrate my birthday, I say thank you. To all of you at home, I was wishing you were here. Thanks to Kelly L as well, for being the only one of my no good friends considerate enough to send me an e-card.
I have officially kicked off the “dirty thirties”. Middle age is just around the corner. Lord have mercy on my soul.

(Look! You are still allowed to smoke in the bars here!)

(What's left of the dartmouth crew)

(Not a pretty picture)

All photos taken by my lovely wife. (Which is why she isn't in any of them)


Derek Rydall said...

Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!

I have a ##script coverage## site/blog. It pretty much covers ##screenwriting## related stuff.

Come and check it out if you get time :-)

Anonymous said...

yeah Ed, those flowers were given to you by the random strangers we met, I think we got down on one knee and offered were almost cryin by the end of the deal, but alas, I think you took it lightly...Kelll